Prostate Cancer Treatment Options*

Active Surveillance
Because prostate cancer typically has a slow rate of progression, some men may never need treatment for their prostate cancer. Instead, their doctors may monitor it closely with regular tests and exams to determine if future treatment is needed.1

The main type of surgery for prostate cancer is a radical prostatectomy, where the surgeon removes the entire prostate gland and some surrounding tissue, including the seminal vesicles.2

Radiation therapy uses high-powered energy to destroy cancer cells and can be delivered in two ways: external beam radiation or brachytherapy (internal radiation).3
How SpaceOAR Hydrogel Fits into the Treatment Options
SpaceOAR Hydrogel, a minimally invasive pre-treatment option for men undergoing prostate cancer radiation therapy, is an absorbable gel that temporarily creates space between the prostate and rectum, designed to reduce the radiation dose delivered to the rectum during prostate cancer radiation therapy. The reduction in radiation exposure lowers a patient’s chance of developing late rectal complications, helping them maintain their quality of life.4
SpaceOAR Hydrogel is made up of two liquids that are mostly water and PEG, a material that is commonly used in other medical implants in the eye, brain and spine. SpaceOAR Hydrogel is biocompatible, biodegradable and naturally excreted through urine in approximately 6 months.
*Other treatment options include chemotherapy, vaccine treatment, cryotherapy and hormone therapy.
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*Please note, there may be other doctors in your area who treat prostate cancer not listed here.